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October 6 (Sunday)

18:00–20:00 Registration

October 7 (Monday)

09:30–10:00 Registration
10:00–10:10 Opening
10:10–10:50 Sergei Grudsky
Nikolai Leonidovich Vasilevski (1948–2024)
11:00–11:50 Roland Duduchava
Convolutions on Lie groups, Generic Bessel Potential Spaces and applications
11:50–12:20 Coffee Break
12:20–13:10 Yuri Karlovich
Index calculation for sums of Wiener–Hopf operators with slowly oscillating coefficients
13:10–15:00 Lunch
15:00–15:50 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Reconstruction techniques in coefficient inverse problems
16:00–16:25 Carlos G. Pacheco
Symbol-measures to have commutative Toeplitz operators
16:25–16:50 Coffee Break
16:50–17:15 Julio Eduardo Enciso Molina
Polyanalytic functions on the disk
17:25–17:50 Jesús Alberto Flores Hinostrosa
Translation-invariant operators in the Steinwart–Hush–Scovel space

October 8 (Tuesday)

10:10–10:50 Grigori Rozenblum
Generalized Toeplitz operators with singular symbols; co-operation with Nikolai and extension
11:00–11:50 Wolfram Bauer
Algebras generated by Toeplitz operators and their representation
11:50–12:20 Coffee Break
12:20–13:10 Egor A. Maximenko
Group-invariant operators on the Bergman space over the unit ball: analysis via the Fourier transform of the reproducing kernel
13:10–15:00 Lunch
15:00–15:50 Josúe Ramírez Ortega
On $C^*$-algebras generated by Toeplitz operators and orthogonal projections
16:00–16:25 Kevin Esmeral García
Radial Toeplitz operators and orthogonal polynomials
16:25–16:50 Coffee Break
16:50–17:15 Crispin Herrera Yañez
Toeplitz operators generated by vertical measures in weighted Bergman spaces over the upper half-plane
17:25–17:50 Christian Rene Leal Pacheco
Dilation-invariant operators on the real line

October 9 (Wednesday)

Social Program

October 10 (Thursday)

10:10–10:50 Stefano Serra Capizzano
Basics on GLT theory and applications
11:00–11:50 Sergei Grudsky
Eigenvalue clusters of large band Toeplitz matrices
11:50–12:20 Coffee Break
12:20–13:10 Manuel Bogoya
Spectral Asymptotics of Hermitian Toeplitz matrices with a matrix order dependent symbol
13:10–15:00 Lunch
15:00–15:25 Juanita Gasca Arango
Eigenvalue asymptotic expansion for non-Hermitian tetradiagonal Toeplitz matrices with real spectrum
15:35–16:00 Alejandro Soto González
Eigenvalues of the laplacian matrices of the cycles with one weighted edge
16:00–16:10 Coffee Break
16:10–16:35 Yessica Hernández Eliseo
Toeplitz operators on spaces of holomorphic sections
18:00–21:00 Conference dinner

October 11 (Friday)

10:10–10:50 Eugene Shargorodsky
Hörmander’s theorem for translation invariant operators on Banach function spaces
11:00–11:50 Alexei Rybkin
Hankel operators and Korteweg-de Vries equation
11:50–12:20 Coffee Break
12:20–13:10 Armando Sánchez Nungaray
Complex symmetric Toeplitz operators with symmetric symbols
13:10–15:00 Lunch
15:00–15:25 Gerardo Ramos Vazquez
Fourier transform of the polyanalytic Fock kernel
15:35–16:00 Luis Angel González Serrano
Szegö limit theorem for determinants of Toeplitz matrices generated by Laurent polynomials with multiple zeros